My shifting journey

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I've been trying to shift since november of 2018. I haven't shifted yet, but I'm getting there. I learned about it via tiktok, and ofcourse, that messed with my brain, as the amount of misinformation out there is insane. I now mostly get my information off of Tumblr. Which, slay, because tumblr users are hella smart!! I am gonna attempt to document my attempts here, and write down what I did this attempt. And what worked/ didn't work. This way I'll have a database to look back on, and I can truely figure out what works for me. But I do believe I'm already really close. (I've been saying this since June 2024, it's march 2025 as of reading this) But truely! I'm getting there! I will not give up!

Okay so. I was trying a mix of the julia method, and the void state method. I put on a subliminal, because that gets me in a shifty mood, and kept saying I am. And I very quickly entered a meditative state. However!! I got lazy, and kept thinking "oh I'd rather just be daydreaming." This is a problem I have. Whenever I'm bored, or even slightly upset, I start to daydream to escape those feelings. (I'm a maladaptice daydreamer. I daydream like 6 hours a day...) But yeah, that really is something which always throws me off kilter. As whenever I try to shift, I start daydreaming. And for me that is not something which I use for shifting, because I also use it to fall asleep. So my brain already associates it with sleeping. So using it to shift just ends up with me asleep. I think what I need to do, is train my brain to be okay with boredom. (meditation) And not immediatly let my brain try to fill those spaces with daydreams.