AI ethics gateway

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Where have I found myself?

You just entered through a gateway, or a gate. What this means is you went through a sort of door, and entered into new space. In this case the gateway brings you from my personal website, to a website completely meant for my research on AI, and more specifically, my idea's/ finds about the ethics surrounding AI.

What can I find here?

Good question! There are a few things that can be found here. The buttons on the top of the page will bring you to different topics surrounding AI, and different aspects of my research. However, in case you're looking for something specific, I shall tell you in short what you can find on each page.

Note to my teachers

Erm- good day. You might be wondering: "Why the hell is your research in English??" Well, that's because my website is mainly targetted to english speaking people. And I'm not gonna write this side of my site (hehe side of site, funny) in Dutch, while the rest is in English. So deal with it :). I hope you don't mind how crappy my english is though. I'll probably correct any mistakes later. (in years, when I come back to these pages and think: "what the hell was I on??" (the awnser is lack of sleep).